Martin Prüfer
- Cuer Instructor and Featured Cuer - GSI UK 2014
Cuer Instructor and Featured Cuer - GSI UK 2014
Martin Prüfer - Martin has been cueing since 1988. His career started in Braunschweig, Germany. In 1990 Martin became an active member in European Caller's & Teacher's Assocaition. In 1997 Martin moved to Munich where he is the current cuer and teacher for three clubs that dance up to phase VI. Martin is the web master of the round dance web-server
Together with his partner Marisa, he has written several dances. Two of them were selected as 'Round of the Month' in the USA: "Technicolor Dreams" (Foxtrot) and "From Sarah with Love" (Slow Two-step).
Martin is also interested in wooden puzzles, riding bikes and doing handicrafts in his studio.
Martin Choreographed the GSI UK Festival 2007 and 2009 Grand March and was also the featured cuer for the GSI UK Festivals in 2007 and 2009.
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Written By: Gene Turner
Date Posted: 5/12/2008
Number of Views: 12613
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